Good morning, afternoon or evening to whomever around the whole may read this message. I am here trying to send a new update with the events that have come from E3 2016 just a few days ago. It has been an amazing time indeed to see all of the new and upcoming games. One of which I wanted to share is the upcoming new release, "God of War" which looks to have an older Kratos, now having a son that he is mentoring to become a hunter. This is something that really had a grand appeal from the crowd reaction seeing the new game trailer and the cinematic nature of the gameplay and it takes the series into a new direction and is a reminder of how "The Last of Us" gameplay worked with the young character assisting you in the battle.

The story looks very layered our lead character of Kratos is in conflict trying to both serve as a mentor in training his son as well as protecting him and being a father to his son at the same time. It is all subtle but it hits home when you see his son trying to apologize for making mistakes or not being able to follow through with specific orders that are required when it comes to hunting. The scene is very touching and you honest get a sense of the emotional core of this father and son story that it appears to be apart of the plot. A father teaching the son the hardships of life as a hunter and a son trying to please his father as best as he can despite not being a hunter like his father is. This looks to be a very good game from this announcement trailer and look forward to all of the information that is to come in the near future.


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