The Spike Jonze film, 'Her' starring Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, Rooney Mara, Olivia Wilde, Samantha Morton and Scarlett Johanson comes to theaters January 10, 2014 and definitely is setting itself apart from the traditional romantic comedy style narratives that have been released as of late. I am a huge fan of science fiction and for this film to have a science fiction element merged with romantic comedy I think it is a very unique way of bringing two different genres into one and opening the door for more stories like this to be made and have a bigger canvas to paint on as far as storytelling is concerned. I like the idea behind this film and it definitely has my attention, the cast looks to be very solid and looks to deliver a compelling story. Check out the trailer and definitely aim to see this film when it comes out next weekend. Synopsis as provided by IMDb reads: "A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every need."


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