Hello everyone! Jonathan here with a big announcement from us at MediaBLOGout. We have big developing our first graphic novel and have been working hard to have a solid script and story altogether. This is something that is very big for us and we are hoping, 'hoping' being the key word mind you to have the first issue of this out this Fall during the holiday season. It is at the moment all in development but this is our big announcement and definitely wanted to share this news with all of those who have been reading and following our blog or just recently started following the blog. This will be an all original story that will be based in the sci-fi / thriller / suspense genre. Definitely something that has been in the making for a very long time. We shall have more details to be announced throughout the year as far as giving updates and details on the project but at the moment just wanted to give you, the viewers a heads up that there is something in the works and in hopes that it will be released and be loved by you all.

...there is a lot of writing of the script itself, the character biographies, the test panels, the various drawings that are being done by the artist, and things of that nature are now in motion. Setting up more meetings and such to get updates and such. This is a very independent project and all of the funding at the moment is coming from our own pockets. Definitely have a lot of high hopes for this project and the artist that I am working with has much knowledge and talent and definitely look forward to working with with her more and this seems to be a very promising project. Definitely am looking forward to seeing the coming drawings and test panels and just bouncing ideas back and forth.

THE HOPE to be able to have a full completed draft of both the entire script as well as the artwork for the first issue by the middle of the summer. Definitely working on the script now as well as the mini-glossary of terms and the handbook of the characters and the back-story of everything. Hoping with the first issue ready and completed during the summer we can move forward to the other issues and the various formats and advertising for it. Viral marketing and things of that nature. Already have an idea and such of where things can go but right now with it being an independent project everything is showing promise so long as things are continuous pushed forward by myself as well as with collaborating with the artist. With enough hard work and persistence, things could prove to be fruitful and I hope it is.

...I wanted to make sure that I took the time to share this important news with you all and to thank you all for reading this blog. I am hoping that this project will be made and there are no complications and I am able to deliver a high quality story for you all to enjoy. Sincerely hope to have more updates very soon for you. Until then...



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