MediaBlackout's Top 5 of 2011: Bearovingian Edition

Hey gang, Bearovingian here. We here at MediaBlackout have varying views on certain topics. Politics, religion, Modern Warfare 3 vs. Battlefield 3, what is the cooler exotic pet: Ferrets or Alpacas? But mostly we debate movies, so we've decided to post our own top 5 favorite movies of the year. Only movies that we have seen theatrically and have charted in the U.S. Box Office. So without further delay, here is MY personal top 5.

5. SUPER 8

SUPER 8 is one of those movies that if you're a movie buff takes you back to when you watched movies as a kid and it made you feel invested. Directed by J.J. Abrams it was a tribute to the Spielberg films of the 80's like E.T., The Goonies, etc. Starring a cast of young actors, the film takes place in a small town in the late 70's. While filming a movie group of kids witness a train wreak that unleashes an unknown creature. It was a fun movie that had everything you were looking for in a summer movie.


Amazingly, this is where I had trouble on my countdown. I was torn between Thor and Captain America for this list, and while I liked Cap, I felt that as the last film before the Avengers movie next summer it was a bit underwhelming. As leader of the team he needed to be more, I don't know, heroic. Whereas Thor was what he was, A God sent to earth as punishment for his cockiness. I thought he was more truer to his comic counterpart than most other comic book hero movies released this year, except for one (we'll get to that later).


This maybe in my humble opinion, the best sci-fi film this year. As a starting point for what could be reboot of the Apes series, this is the story of how everything began or ended as it were. While the human cast which includes James Franco, Frida Pinto and John Lithgow are good, it's Andy Serkis's motion capture performance of eventual ape leader Ceasar that drives this movie. Ceasars' "evolution" grabbed you from the start and by the end you cheered for him. If Serkis is not nominated for an award this season it will be a true shame.


The ONLY great superhero movie this year. X-Men: First Class did what no other comic movie could, a great story, character depth and just all around fun. From James McAvoy's optimistic Charles Xavier, an amazing villain turn from Kevin Bacon to Micheal Fassbender's epic portrayal as the man who would become Magneto everything hit in this movie.



Now I'm sure a lot of you have no idea what this movie is or what it's about, but let me assure you this is a film once you see you will not forget. Made by the same producers that made "Shaun of the Dead", it's the story about an alien attack in South London, 5 inner city kids who witness the invasion and decide to save their apartment complex. It's smart, funny, and a real pulse pounder of a film. The cast of relative unknowns made the film funny and at one point poignant, the aliens were scary looking and a real threat, which you don't see a lot in alien films. I saw a screening for this earlier this year and I have been championing it ever since. While it was only released in limited theaters, word of mouth generated a strong following. It's on DVD, BLU RAY and digital download as well.

Well that's that for 2011, there were a lot of movies released this year that came close but didn't make the list. I'm excited to see what what comrades on this blog have for theirs, but I know what ever they pick, it will be awesome. 'Til the next blog, BEAROVINGIAN OUT!!!!


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