Hello everyone! J Dubbs (Xobehtedistuo - Outside the Box) here with my top 5 films of 2011 as we start of the new year. I was supposed to have this posted early this week but I delayed myself due to thinking this through and I definitely have been thinking about this without a doubt and definitely hope that you can enjoy my choices for films and please know that my views are different from my comrades and that we were both at the cinema when we saw these films! Please enjoy and comment away!


This one was a very hard choice for me. I did not know where to place Captain America: The First Avenger but I was impressed by the unique approach in setting up one of the most famous characters in the Marvel universe. It surpassed my expectations and actually had a very excellent set up for not only the character of Steve Rogers but also introducing and connecting the stories of the Avengers and the individual stories that link to Iron Man and Thor as well as others. Really love how Marvel has been connecting their film series together and look forward to seeing The Avengers this coming May 4, 2012.

4. SUPER 8

This was a difficult choice to place this film in 4th and I wanted to make it closer but I have my reasons for it but Super 8 was one of those gems that you find every now and then. It was one of the most character driven films and it had everything you would want in it for a summer film. It is a film for all ages and definitely a heart-warmer and suspense thriller. The children acting in this film were believable and Elle Fanning just keeps getting better with every roles she performs in. Definitely recommend everyone that likes this film or has an interest to buy this Blu-ray/DVD and add it to your collection.


Now as far as reboots or remakes are concern this is one of those films that simply is an example setter that story is the most important thing before you deal with any visuals. X-Men: First Class was a marvel (no pun intended) to see on the big screen this past spring. Every minute of this film was just engrossing and you were able to see the point of views of both Professor Charles Xavier and Erik who would become Magneto and form the Brotherhood of Mutants. The performances and the story were just the perfect marriage and this film had people clapping at the start of the credits. It was worth the 5 star rating that I gave it earlier this year in my review. I eager to see where the story will go with the second installment.


I have to agree completely with my comrade on this one, if Andy Serkis is not nominated for anything in the either the Golden Globes or the Oscars it would be a total shame. It would be almost an insult. Rise of the Planet of the Apes was a 5 star film and one of the best films to be released in theaters in 2011 period. I know that there are a lot of people out there are against the concept of Computer Generated Images and GCI characters live-action films sighting that it is not realistic looking but at the same time I bring this film to the forefront and say that the animators at WETA Digital did a phenomenal job at the hair follicles of the apes and the motions and physical gestures that were used to create Caesar and the fellow apes. You can not walk away from this film and say that Caesar was not the most powerful performance of the entire film and it was his story and his character arc that you followed from beginning, middle to end. Absolutely breath-taking to watch this film and I recommend everyone to rent and purchase this film. You will not be disappointed whatsoever.


And I must say that a lot of you are going to think that this is copying my comrade but those who had the opportunity to see this film in the select theater screenings during the summer or the advance screenings that were held during the month of May this year would completely understand why I named my top film of 2011 to be 'Attack the Block.' This was an underground success and word of mouth from the hashtag on twitter #Blockhead to the posting the trailer on social networking sites, this film was one of those rare occasions where you were treated to something out of the norm and something that you were not expected to be take you on a journey through the projects / blocks in South London during an alien invasion. Without spoiling anything about this hidden gem, you go in thinking one thing about the film's lead character and your perspective is definitely changed by the end of the film. This was an experience to have seen this film in theaters and it was 5 stars indeed!!!! I urge everyone to add this film to your movie collection big time!

With that I conclude this as the last post in 2011 and I sincerely hope that 2012 is a successful year for the blog and that you all stay tuned with us as we bring you more content and movie updates for future productions! Please take care and have a good start of the new year and thank you for reading out blog! The whole wide world! Thank you all! Keep reading and keep sharing the links please! Much love!


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