Having taken the time out I wanted to talk about something new that has been going on. I have recently been working on getting things pieced together for working on a short narrative to have things lined up as a "Proof of Concept" and have been working on the outline of a new draft of a script. The purpose of this script is to make something that is unique and have a combination of both cinematography and dialogue that pushes the story forward and seeing how to have a story that allows both to be combined in harmony. Having the capacity to show as well as tell but not having one overthrow the other but that both are perfectly balanced. 

Definitely trying to challenge myself with trying various camera styles to provide something different then my standard camera on tripod and still shots but want to delve into having the camera moving around utilize it as a tool to tell the story alongside the characters and the dialogue and the environment. Seriously have been trying to make the best of the things that I have in my grasp to tell the story that I have been brainstorming as best as possible. 


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