Hello everyone! 

Wanted to take the time to say thank you for taking the time in reading this new entry as the first blog for the new year. I apologize for not being online as much. Seriously have been trying to take care of a lot personal things that have taken place in my personal life and finally have been getting some breathing space to make things happen. And with that, I am able to return back to my writing about various things that I have desired to make new content and creative ideas from the traditional trailers that I normally post on here but this time going into details other than just posting a brief paragraph. 

I can say that I am working on having more writing and more articles to read about specific things that I find intriguing and interesting and have more interviews lined up in the near future. Definitely trying to make sure that this blog is a platform for a variety of different subjects, from entertainment to technology. The blog I am aiming to reinvent in such a way that it will be refreshing and challenge myself to go beyond the basics of posting trailers and video links but to more of a personal touch to everything that is uploaded. 

I desire to do more creative writing and have more ideas that will spark a good conversation and constructive conversation amongst the readers and also in hopes to be able to start up positive chats in the comment section as well. Definitely want to make the blog to be more engaging with my peers all over the world whom may be reading this blog. I can not express the level of gratitude that I have from people from all walks of life. Whether you check in every once and a while or daily it means a lot and I am working to have much more content for you to enjoy and read.

Please continue to show support and share the posts if you like them and know that I am aiming to make this blog 100% unique in the future with the variety of ideas to come this year.



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