Hello everyone. Back again and this time with somewhat of a theory and speculation of one of the new characters in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' and their potential relationship to the Skywalker lineage. Since the beginning of the speculation, there has been a lot of thoughts and beliefs that Rey to be the daughter of Han and Leia, believing that she is going to be revealed as Rey Solo. But there has been another theory and speculation and one that has me agreeing with it due to the sensibility of the story and the idea of it. This being that Rey is in fact Luke's daughter.

The theory and speculation that Rey's last name would be revealed to be Rey Skywalker was something that came into mind on the grounds that it would be very well intertwined with what J.J. Abrams said in an interview about what Kathleen Kennedy asked him about his thoughts on where Luke Skywalker has been during the 30 years of time between 'Return of the Jedi' and 'The Force Awakens.' I do think that part of that story would be mean that there is a strong reference that Luke had a child of his own and history repeated itself and like him being without his parent(s) growing up, the main female protagonist, Rey would be without him for whatever the reasons may be. But it would make for a very similar pattern in the overarching story that Luke was without his mother and father and Rey would be the same.

It also makes for similar paths. Like father, like daughter. Both raised on a desert-like planet. Luke on Tattooine, Rey on Jakku. Rey has her speeder seen in both the official teaser trailer seen last November 2014 and the second teaser trailer shown in very beginning off in the distance driving towards the wrecked Super Star Destroyer. Luke with his Landspeeder on Tattooine in 'A New Hope.' In the early beginning of the trailer, we see Rey inside the wrecked Star Destroyer and seen using a cable to slide down is similar to Luke whom in Empire Strikes Back was seen using a toll cable from his snowspeeder to be raised up in the AT-AT to destroy it.

When Rey looks up to watch the space shuttle taking off from Jakku, she has this look of wonderment on her face and it is similar in tone to Luke when he looked at the Twin Suns of Tattooine and had the desire to leave and be on an adventure or just be offworld to another place other than we he was. That is the same feeling that was presented in the third and final trailer with Rey's facial expression. From seeing the trailer it made me believe that this could be a connection that is being set up very well and establishing one of our new leading protagonists in the new trilogy. Also Luke wore the plain white / gray outfit and boots in 'A New Hope' and Rey is wearing similar garments that are resembling that of a Jedi tunic in one sense if you look closely in the image below, but is the same color palette similar to Luke.

Then there is a the issue of the droid similarities from the Original Trilogy to this new Trilogy. Like Luke in 'A New Hope,' his path was crossed with that of a little Astromech named R2-D2 and C-3PO and with time Luke and R2 specifically became very close buddies. Cut to the third trailer for 'The Force Awakens', Rey looks to be crossing paths with BB-8. Both are droids that belong to someone else and our protagonists, Luke in the OT and Rey in the NT are now in possession of both droids. R2 was in Leia's possession in the beginning of A New Hope and was sent on a mission. BB-8 is not clear how exactly does this small droid lands on Jakku but the toys have indicated that BB-8 potentially belongs to character Poe Dameron.

There are a lot of similarities that made me think that this father-daughter relationship truly exist and is something that is a good speculation. Definitely have been thinking about everything and that Rey does not know who her father is. That she is a very much a junker and a scavenger and looks to be handy with fixing things, similar to Anakin in the prequels. A lot of people have referenced the no longer existing novels from the Expanded Universe that Rey and Kylo Ren are suspected to be the Solo Twins or Siblings. But it would be odd to be believe that Luke, whom has been out of the advertisement and not shown at all, I can not imagine that during the timeframe from Return of the Jedi to The Force Awakens that he did not fall in love have a child. It would make sense that if they were going with continuing the Skywalker lineage that Rey would be the daughter of Luke and Kylo Ren would be the son of Han and Leia. 

I think it would be also an honor of passing the torch down to the next generation of Skywalker and it would be Rey as his daughter if that would be the case and continuing the Skywalker family line. She would have a pivotal role and be a central character indeed. I am only speculating. I am not what is Finn's role and what is the revelation of his last name is in the film either or how much of his character arch will have a greater impact as well. This is just a speculation about Rey being Luke Skywalker's daughter.


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