Hello Gang! Jonathan here and I thought long and hard on the subject at writing about my thoughts on the upcoming 'Star Wars Episode VII' film directed by J.J. Abrams since the announcement was made by in 2012 that Disney had brought the rights from Lucasfilm for $4 Billion dollars. I never wanted to immediately write and speak too soon on anything without gathering as much factual information as possible. With the recent official cast announcement, the official stance on the Expanded Universe and the new trailer for 'Star Wars Rebels' I am here today with what could be my first official blog on the state of things in what is an enthusiastic and reasonable post about the 'Star Wars' universe moving forward. I am super excited to know that we have confirmation about the casting of the film. The cast looks to be familiar and new at the same time.

 I have been a fan of all six movies including the Clone Wars tv series. I have also read the novels in the Expanded Universe and I was a very big fan of the New Jedi Order series, The Dark Nest Trilogy, The Jedi Academy Trilogy and I remember first reading The Thrawn Trilogy which I believe was my first Star Wars novel I read next to The Phantom Menace novelization. I loved the way the stories continued which multiple characters and plots that expanded beyond the original trilogy characters and at the same time intertwined the original characters with dozens of new characters created by authors and made them equally as valid as Han, Luke and Leia. One of my favorite characters in the books was a small female character by the name of Danni Quee who first appeared in the novel Vector Prime, the first book of The New Jedi Order book series. You constantly hear about Jaina and Jacen Solo who are very popular in the Expanded Universe, Danni Quee was very instrumental in her help with battling against the Yuuzhan Vong with her discovery of their organic technology while being held captive on the planet of Helska IV.

Danni Quee was later taught by Jaina Solo but for a brief moment to assist her with her latent Force abilities. But Danni Quee was an incredible character because she was intelligence and she told out the most to me even thought she was not on the frontlines of the battle she was there helping with her intelligence and that was what helped when the war. Quee did indeed use her force abilities to pull a carbon clip from a blaster that a Yuuzhan Vong warrior had aimed a hostage which Leia then killed, saving the hostage and was also apart of the Wild Knights fighter squad and helped during the Battle of Corcuscant. She used her technology of the yammosk to enable a countermeasure against the Yuuzhan Vong from synchronizing their attacks and leaving them in disarray. There was also a hint that there was a romantic blossoming between her and Jacen Solo which was cut short due to personal reasons but there was an acknowledgement that there was a mutual attraction that never resulted in a relationship and once again that worked out great because all you needed to know was that there was a human moment shared between the two of them and they knew but moved forward with their lives. She in my honest opinion was one of the most underrated female characters in the New Jedi Order and Expanded Universe as a whole.

When Disney and Lucasfilm announced that the new trilogy would not follow any of the books post Return of the Jedi in the Expanded Universe, I harkened back to an interview back in 2013 when it was stated that the story for Episode VII was going to be an original story which I kept in mind that they were going to be doing something that might not involve any of the characters from the EU. I was not heartbroken by this revelation because in hindsight I figured that this was going to be the case. I never assumed that the stories from the EU were ever considered official Canon stories because never did anyone from Lucasfilm or Del Rey books come out and say that the novels where apart of the continued saga of Star Wars. However, it did appear that the rest of the fans of Star Wars that read the books did. I can understand the disappointment and anger over the beloved characters that have been created and made a name for themselves from the EU and the desire to see them become a reality from the page to the silver screen.

If I had the chance to see Danni Quee make it to the silver screen would be sweet but at the same time I say that this is bittersweet but at the same time I do believe that this was a good decision. I say this because novels are in essence personal experiences that are unique and internal from reader to reader and not one person interprets a novel or the characters and the events in the exact same way. This is something that I have realized from various book to film adaptations. In my honest opinion it is probably for the best to not make an attempt to adapt the characters that have been beloved by Star Wars fans. The reason being is that no one would ever be truly satisfied with the end results of the looks of the actors and actresses cast for heroic characters from the books.

I am not a psychic on the story and I can not say that any of the characters from the EU will ever or never appear on film, but I am saying that there are so many expectations from the EU novels that there is no way that anyone who has read would ever be satisfied with the end results of how the characters would be portrayed on the screen. If it is not dealing with the appearances than it would be the story that the EU characters would be placed in with the new trilogy timeline. People would not be happy with the events that would be in conflict with the EU timeline thus confusing some to believe that there is a parallel universe between the Star Wars Canon and the Star Wars EU. This is one of the reasons I can say wholeheartedly that it is best for the characters from the EU to remain as characters in the books. I say this because it would be best that if Disney is going to make an original story than write all original characters for that story. I can not comprehend saying that the Expanded Universe books will not be used in the stories for the new film(s) but the characters may their way into the film. I say that if you're going to go original, go 100% original and give the fans something that they were not expecting. The new cast looks excellent accompanied by the original cast members.

I can say that the recent week with the outrage from various female Star Wars fans about the lack of female cast members added to the main cast for Episode VII has been understandable due to the fact that most of the them truly were hoping that there would be an equal casting for the upcoming film. When they only saw Daisy Ridley as the newest and only female cast member save for Carrie Fisher, there was an outcry of disbelief that this was the official cast. I can say that I am can imagine that a lot were hoping that if the Expanded Universe was not going to be used for the stories going forward that maybe the characters that they admired and read from the series would have a possibility of being brought over into the films. And if not that, they just had a lot of high hopes and expectations that this film would be the start of a new generation that would showcase that women would have a heavy hand in the plot of the film. With the everything still unclear with what the plot is and who the additional cast members and the extra side characters that will be in the film for sure to populate around the main cast, I truly do say that none of us know what is going to happen or who else is being cast and that the story could provide a lot of character development on the behalf of Daisy Ridley's character that would it take away from her character to have a large amount of female characters that would not be used to their full potential and upset females that the various female characters would not be utilized. I am positive that despite all of the outcries and disappointment that a lot of female fans of Star Wars are going to be surprised at what they have in store for Daisy Ridley's character in regards to the lack of female cast members.

I hold out hope that this new Episode VII is going to be epic and exciting and show the fans that which they remember as children growing up and those who grew up with the prequel trilogy as well as the animated series. I think that a lot of fans of the EU are on edge and upset because of all of the time and money that was spent on the novels and the emotional investment on the characters created by the various authors. Along with the disappointment comes from the hardcore fans who dressed up as their favorite EU characters and spent money on their costumes for the various events and celebrations to find out that those characters are not apart of the canon of the new trilogy moving forward. Another would be the amount of time and money spent on merchandise that was created from the EU. These are all factors that I can see from an empathic perspective as to why fans are upset. I look at the official news from the Disney Studios and Lucasfilm as a means to eliminate all of the high expectations from the EU that would have bogged down the creativity of going in an all new direction.

Now we as fans no longer can assume what is or isn't going to be in the films because of the official announcement in regards to Canon and Legends. I think this is beautiful because are being treated to fresh and exciting new material. I have no clue what characters the new cast members are playing but I am sincerely looking forward to all new characters and a very new plot that will be something that I have not read before or is similar in any way. I am sincerely enthusiastic about Episode VII because I'd never thought it would ever been made and to know that next week they begin principal photography and that December 18, 2015 is next year for the release I am just excited to see what new casting announcements as well as the official title for Episode VII and all of the trailers to be released!

I am looking forward to seeing the new Star Wars Rebel series and the new trailer truly has me excited for what is to come from this series and the new novels, the animated series and the films including all other material will be connected and canon starting with the first novel out this Fall titled, 'A New Dawn'  releasing on September 2, 2014 by John Jackson Miller. Following that on 11/4/14 is 'Star Wars: Tarkin' by James Luceno, 'Star Wars: Heir to the Jedi' by Kevin Hearne in January 2015 and 'Star Wars: Lords of the Sith' by Paul Kemp in March 2015. All of this books are now under a unified story that branches into the new trilogy as official canon.

All of these stories coupled with the new trailer released online for 'Star Wars Rebels' has me super excited for what's to come.  And last but not the image of the new and original cast for Star Wars Episode VII.

It truly was a moment in time when everything became a reality to see this black and white photo of the main cast members. I felt anticipation over what is to come and looking forward to what they have in mind for the future installment for the Star Wars saga and the cast looks like a collective group of extraordinary talent and I look forward to seeing put their best efforts to this production! May 14th is just around the corner for the start of principal photography. May the Force Be With You all.



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