Hello Gang! Let's meet the crew of the Ghost for the new tv series 'Star Wars: Rebels' coming to Disney XD during the Summer and then the season releases during the Fall of 2014. The short videos that have been released online gave you serious look into the characters and the plot and teases just enough to whet the appetite for what's to come. The characters of Ezra, Kanan, Sabine, Zeb, Hera and Chopper the Grumpy Astromech. This crew looks to all have very unique backgrounds and make for a nice collaboration.

I was surprised to hear about Ezra has the Force and it was a surprise that they were going to give that detail away but it helped propel the intrigue even further. Kanan, the cowboy Jedi with the backstory of Order 66 and surviving years past the events of Episode III and coming to grips with becoming a Jedi again and being a mentor to Ezra is very creative in my personal opinion. Sabine is a new twist to the bunch and her being a female Mandalorian who does tags of her conquest is something very fun and she seems to be a very strong and humorous character. Zeb looks to be a very fun character who is an intelligent brute which goes against the concept of brains and muscle. From the looks of it, Ezra and Zeb look to be a hilarious conflict between the two of them. Hera is one of the most standout characters in the plot. We are often treated to seeing Twi'leks in the Star Wars Saga but only in small doses. This is the first time we have a character that is an official character who owns the ship of the Ghost, which puts her in charge. She is the mother of the crew in essence and she gives them a moral compass and makes me want to see what the dialogue and interactions are like for this crew. And last but not least, Chopper just makes me laugh because the fact that he is an angry astromech who has his own opinions and does not follow protocol as commanded but is a strong team member on the Ghost and has his own methods of accomplishing the goals and missions tasked before him.

 In hindsight, this is going to be a very fun series and I am looking forward to seeing where it goes and who will make a cameo apperance from other titles such as Ashoka, Mara Jade or will there be characters such as Starkiller and Juno Eclipse from 'The Force Unleashed Saga' due to the timeline that the story takes place. Here are the videos. Enjoy! 


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