Based on the graphic novel, "All You Need is Kill" a Japanese science fiction novel by Hiroshi Sakurazaka, the film 'Edge of Tomorrow'hits theaters on June 6, 2014 and stars Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt and directed by Doug Liman. The film deals with two soldiers who are facing time loops during an invasion on Earth. Each time loop gets both solider closer to defeating the enemy. This new trailer definitely looks very good. Enough and scroll down for the next trailer. 'Godzilla' has been in the making for a long time and this first trailer sells the film greatly and definitely looks to be a winner indeed. This looks to be very close to source material of the Japaneses origins of Godzilla and the film looks to be very intense. 'Godzilla' in theaters May 16, 2014. 'Jupiter Ascending' is the new vision from the Wachowski's and they look to be going in a totally new direction with their story-telling and bringing new visual art that definitely captures the eye in this teaser trailer. Actors Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis take the lead roles in this epic journey where the character of Jupiter (Kunis) is lowly janitor who is the mark to be assassinated by the Queen of the Universe due to her genetics that could deem her to be the next leader of the universe. 'Jupiter Ascending' in theaters in 2D and 3D July 16, 2014


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