Having premiered on Sunday, April 1, 2012, the official first trailer for 'Total Recall' was released online that gives you a new take on the science fiction story based upon the novelization of Phillip K. Dick's "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale". The film stars Colin Farrell as Douglas Quaid, a simple worker in Euroamerica (formerly the United States and European Union) and New Shanghai (China and South Asia) fight over political power. Quaid suffers from nightmares and believes that he has had his memory erased. The following supporting roles are played by Kate Beckinsale who plays, Lori Quaid, wife of Douglas and has her own agenda. Jessica Biel as Melina, a person who may have a past with Quaid, and Bryan Cranston, as Vilos Cohaagen the main antagonist. On side note, the film was shot on Red Epic digital camera and anamorphic Panavision lenses. The film was directed by Len Wiseman and the screenplay was written by Kurt Wimmer, Mark Bomback and James Vanderbilt. 'Total Recall' is scheduled for release for August 3, 2012.
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